Long-Lasting and Secure Tooth Replacement with Dental Implants
Tooth loss places your oral health at risk the longer you delay tooth replacement. Dental implants provide secure, long lasting, new tooth roots however they’re used to replace your missing tooth or missing teeth.
Strong Tooth Replacement with a Single Implant
The loss of one tooth can cause damage throughout your mouth. A single implant creates a secure new tooth structure in your missing tooth gap.
Tooth replacement with a single implant forms a new tooth root as it’s secured into your jawbone. Your implant is made of titanium and holds the post (abutment) and your new tooth structure (dental crown) on the surface of your gums.
Implant Support for Tooth Replacement with a Bridge Implant
Your surrounding teeth are affected by tooth loss. A bridge implant replaces your missing teeth without having to place a single implant for each tooth you’ve lost.
Bridge implant treatment requires healthy bone and gum tissue as it fills the tooth gap. Single implants are placed at specific locations to support your bridge.
A Secure Tooth Replacement with Implant Dentures
Traditional dentures can slip, move, and lead to bone and gum tissue loss. Implant dentures are a secure solution that prevent your tooth replacement from moving when placed in your upper and/or lower jaw.
Your treatment uses four small implants to provide stability for your denture. Implant dentures are a more permanent option for replacing your missing teeth.
A Fast and Effective Tooth Replacement with Teeth in a Day
Your Teeth in a Day procedure uses dental implants to restore your tooth function and appearance. The treatment saves time and is more cost effective for tooth replacement in your upper and/or lower jaw.
A designated number of implants are placed at strategic locations in your jawbone. Your new arch of teeth will be permanently secured to your dental implants following a healing period.
You will be able to eat, chew, and smile after your appointment. Teeth in a Day can most often be completed in one appointment. Your treatment also costs less than a standard dental implant procedure.
Contact your Vidalia dentist about your tooth loss. Schedule an examination to discuss implant dentistry for tooth replacement.